LAG Mansikka
Welcome to the Northern Savo! Rural Development Association – The Local Activator, LAG Mansikka operates and supports rural development in the area of six municipalities in Northern Savo: city of Varkaus, city of Suonenjoki, municipalities of Leppävirta, Rautalampi, Tervo and Vesanto.

The area is well known about its strawberry production, throughout the whole country. There, the name of the association has its roots; Mansikka = strawberry. As many rural areas in Finland, the area is is sparsely populated and there are about 43 000 inhabitants.
Northern Savo is located in the middle of Finland and has the most beautiful nature with thousands of lakes and forests. The culture of the area is based on Finnish tribes who lived by fishing, hunting and later acriculture. Savonians are known for their sense of humor, conversation skills, creativity and openness.
If you are looking for a partner for your project or would like to collaborate with our local associations or entrepeneurs, we will be happy to help you find a suitable partner in our area!
LAG Mansikka
- supports projects which are born from the needs and ideas of rural people
- offers assistance for the planning and implementing projects
- evaluates the projects´ eligibility for financing
- organizes trainings and seminars
- promotes transnational cooperation and help associations and entrepreneurs to find partners in EU countries
The priorities of the local rural development strategies in Northen Savo in brief
Approved as part of Finland´s CAP plan for the 2023-2027 funding period in the Ministry of Argriculture and Forestry.
Within all of these themes, the transnational work is promoted and encouraged! Please contact us!
Kirsi Manninen, LAG Manager
phone: +358 45 131 5077 e-mail:
Mansikka is associated partner in MERSE ”Business Models Empowering Rural Social Entrepreneurship – voicing the rural norm”, an EU-funded project within the Northern Periphery and Arctic Programme. Through the project, researchers will study how social entrepreneurship can be stimulated and developed in rural areas. Read more about MERSE in Mid Sweden University website.